Rosette board
Dog Agility Rescue League ROSETTE BOARD

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Rhia Wonwell Wanderer 
Barnstaple Limit Show KC-Gamblers Combined Agility Barnstaple Limit Show KC-Grade 6 Combined Jumping Barnstaple Limit Show KC-Steeplechase Combined Jumping Caerphilly KC-Grade 6 Agility Carn Brae KC-Steeplechase Combined Jumping Carn Brae KC-Steeplechase Combined Jumping
Carn Brae KC-Grade 6 Combined Jumping Carn Brea KC-Steeplechase Combined Jumping Carn Brea KC-Grade 6 Agility Cornwall KC-Grade 6 Agility Cornwall KC-Border Collie W/S Combined Jumping Devon Dogs/honiton KC-Steeplechase Combined Jumping
Honiton KC-Border Collie W/S Combined Jumping Honiton KC-Grade 6 Jumping Northern Week KC-Grade 6 Agility Northern Week KC-Open Jumping Northern Week KC-Grade 6 Jumping Northern Week KC-Open Agility
South Devon Agility Limit Show KC-Tunnels Combined Jumping South Devon Agility Limit Show KC-Steeplechase Combined Agility South Devon Agility Limit Show KC-Grade 6 Combined Jumping

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